Marilyn Campbell | Stories

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Marilyn Campbell

Stories by Marilyn

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Advice for Seniors on Fitness in the New Year

Suggestions for making and keeping exercise resolutions.

Mary Garner’s New Year’s resolution is to increase the intensity of her workout routine. The 69-year-old retiree plans to seek the advice of a fitness trainer to create a plan to achieve her goal.

The Quest for Youth and Beauty

Spending billions of dollars to improve one’s appearance.

Hiba Hakki reclines on an exam table as a physician picks up a syringe with his latex-gloved hand and points it at her face. He inserts the needle into the flesh around her eyes. She cringes slightly. This is a Botox injection, just one of the cosmetic procedures Hakki undergoes for the sake of beauty.

Avoiding Jet Lag

Medical experts offer suggestions for those traveling across multiple time zones during the holidays.

Every December, Linda McDonald travels from her Oak Hill home to Stockton, Calif., to visit her family for Christmas. She tries to head west a few days before the holiday, but often leaves on Christmas Eve, and arrives feeling hazy and sluggish.

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Cosmetic Dentistry for Children

Whether it’s to replace a tooth that was lost or broken during a hockey game or to create a Hollywood-smile before taking the stage for a school play, pediatric dentists say an increasing number of children are undergoing cosmetic dental procedures.

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Understanding Yoga

Local yogis explain popular styles of yoga.

Joanna Mosely says she can’t tell a downward facing dog from a baby cobra. She belts out a perplexed “huh?” when asked if she knew the difference between Ashtanga and Bikram.

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Preventing Holiday Weight Gain

Nutritionists say merriment doesn’t have to lead to bulge.

Festive holidays are filled with sweet treats from eggnog and cider to fruitcake and chocolate bonbons.

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Keys to Staying Healthy During the Holiday Season

Finding balance can preserve one’s well-being.

Food, festivities and friends are synonymous with the holidays. However, celebrations can take a toll on your health.

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Building a Savings Stockpile on Shoestring Budget

Money experts say it is possible to save, even on a limited income.

Even though Mary Beth Lanvin is employed full-time with a company that offers generous retirement benefits, she can’t afford to contribute to a 401(k).

Avoiding Holiday Debt

Plan now to prevent post-holiday bills.

Festive store displays mean the holiday shopping season is in full swing.

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Tips for Year-End Charitable Giving

Financial experts offer suggestions for ensuring one’s donations are well spent.

’Tis the season for giving, and that includes donations to charities.

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Financial Education: Moves to Make Before the Holidays

Before the rush of the holiday season, local financial experts say it might be time for a money tune-up. What should one do and when? Three local money gurus offer their top tips for getting one’s financial house in order.

Getting Organized for Thanksgiving

Local experts offer a survival guide.

Jill Mahon is hosting her family for Thanksgiving next week, which is, of course, the kick-off of the holiday season. But for Mahon, the holidays herald an organizational nightmare.

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Gearing Up for Turkey Trots

Fitness experts offer tips for getting in shape.

Before the bird is carved on Turkey Day, Arlington resident Nina Elliot will be hitting the pavement. The mother of two is running in the 7th Annual Arlington Turkey Trot.

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Cutting a Rug

Researchers say dancing can improve balance and mental ability in seniors.

Springfield resident Fred Griffin enjoys a good hoe down and takes pleasure in doing a do-si-do. In fact, he has been square dancing since high school.

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Locals Join All-Star Line-up at Metro Cooking Show

Area specialty food entrepreneurs among the attractions at the 2012 Metropolitan Cooking and Entertaining Show.

When celebrity chefs and Food Network stars were in Washington last weekend for what has become a Super Bowl for foodies (Giada De Laurentiis, Jacques Pepin, Tom Colicchio and Gail Simmons and The Chew’s Michael Symon and Carla Hall were just some of the famous faces), some area culinary enthusiasts joined them as well.

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Time for School

Advice on how to transition from a laid-back summer to a hectic academic year.

When Ellen Feldman’s 5-year-old son started school for last fall, one of the biggest adjustments for the single mother of two was having to adhere to a schedule. “All of a sudden we went from being able to do things on our own time frame to having to wake up and be at a certain place at a certain time,” said Feldman. “Sending my son off to school for the first time was exciting, but also difficult.”
