Mercia Hobson | Stories

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Mercia Hobson

Stories by Mercia

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Board The Starlight Express at Lake Fairfax

It’s a magical winter light show and more.


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Fairfax County Urges Public to ‘Make the Call’

“Stop domestic violence and sexual assault for your friend, your neighbor, yourself.”

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A Reflection of Fairfax County's 50+ Community Action Plan

Provided by Donna Lopez, Assistant Director at the Herndon Senior Center, Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood and Community Services

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Sunrise Chefs in Head-to-Head Competition

Event demonstrates healthy from-scratch cooking with seasonal ingredients.

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‘Collect for Kids’ Seeks Help

Donations and help from organizations is requested.

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Operation Medicine Cabinet Cleanout April 28

Service is free, anonymous and no questions asked.

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Shopping with a Sheriff in Burke

Children pair up with Fairfax County Sheriff Deputies for a pizza party and back-to-school shopping trip of a lifetime.

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Watch Your Back This Summer

How to prevent, manage, and treat back pain.
